How to Implement Custom ViewMediator
Sometimes there is arises some necessity in using of non standard views. MugenMvvm provided with some abstraction that allows to end-user connect non-standard views and viewmodels. It's abstraction called "ViewMediator".
As we know, "mediator" is a behavioral pattern that encapsulates how a set of objects interact. In our case, a typical "mediator" encapsulates interaction of view and viewmodel.
So, in order to use non standard views in your project you have to follow the next algorithm:
- Create your own view mediator.
- Register it in
Step One: Creation
In order to create your own view mediator you have to implement IWindowViewMediator
. The members of this interface are quite simple:
- property to check view is opened;View
- reference for the view;ViewModel
- reference for the viewmodel;ShowAsync
- method that allows to show view;CloseAsync
- method that allows to close view;UpdateView
- method that allows to update view;
public interface IWindowViewMediator
bool IsOpen { get; }
object View { get; }
IViewModel ViewModel { get; }
Task ShowAsync([CanBeNull] IOperationCallback callback,
[CanBeNull] IDataContext context);
Task<bool> CloseAsync([CanBeNull] object parameter);
void UpdateView([CanBeNull] object view, bool isOpen,
[CanBeNull] IDataContext context);
By the way there is exists base implementation of this interface in MugenMvvm (WindowViewMediatorBase).
This base implementation contains quite many lines of code, but the main abstract methods are:
protected abstract void ShowView([NotNull] TView view, bool isDialog,
IDataContext context);
protected abstract void ActivateView([NotNull] TView view,
IDataContext context);
protected abstract void InitializeView([NotNull] TView view,
IDataContext context);
protected abstract void CleanupView([NotNull] TView view);
protected abstract void CloseView([NotNull] TView view);
Let's take an example. As example we will take an implementation of WindowViewMediatorBase for WPF:
public class WindowViewMediator : WindowViewMediatorBase<IWindowView>
private readonly NavigationWindow _window;
public WindowViewMediator([NotNull] IViewModel viewModel, [NotNull] IThreadManager threadManager,
[NotNull] IViewManager viewManager, [NotNull] IWrapperManager wrapperManager, [NotNull] IOperationCallbackManager callbackManager)
: base(viewModel, threadManager, viewManager, wrapperManager, callbackManager)
internal WindowViewMediator([NotNull] NavigationWindow window, [NotNull] IViewModel viewModel, [NotNull] IThreadManager threadManager,
[NotNull] IViewManager viewManager, [NotNull] IWrapperManager wrapperManager, [NotNull] IOperationCallbackManager callbackManager)
: base(viewModel, threadManager, viewManager, wrapperManager, callbackManager)
Should.NotBeNull(window, nameof(window));
_window = window;
protected override void ShowView(IWindowView view, bool isDialog, IDataContext context)
if (isDialog)
protected override void ActivateView(IWindowView view, IDataContext context)
protected override void CloseView(IWindowView view)
protected override void InitializeView(IWindowView windowView, IDataContext context)
windowView.Closing += OnClosing;
protected override void CleanupView(IWindowView windowView)
windowView.Closing -= OnClosing;
public override IViewModel ViewModel
if (_window == null)
return base.ViewModel;
if (ThreadManager.IsUiThread)
return ToolkitExtensions.GetDataContext(_window.Content) as IViewModel ?? base.ViewModel;
return base.ViewModel;
private void OnClosing(object sender, CancelEventArgs cancelEventArgs)
OnViewClosing(sender, cancelEventArgs);
As you can see, WindowViewMediator
is quite straightforward.
Step Two: Registration
To register your mediator you can choose one of the next approaches:
- Register through
; - Override
method inDynamicViewModelWindowPresenter
Let's see how first approach works. First of all, let's create a module in your project:
public class MyModule : IModule
public int Priority { get; } = 0;
public bool Load(IModuleContext context)
return true;
public void Unload(IModuleContext context)
And now just assign ServiceProvider.WindowViewMediatorFactory
to our delegate:
public class MyModule : IModule
public int Priority { get; } = 0;
public bool Load(IModuleContext context)
ServiceProvider.WindowViewMediatorFactory = (model, type, arg3) =>
if (type.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(NonStandardView)))
return new WindowViewMediator(model, /* and other parameters */);
return null;
return true;
public void Unload(IModuleContext context)
In our delegate we check that passed type is the type assignable from non standard view type and return appropriate type of mediator. Else return null.
Updated about 8 years ago